
Project tracker


Matt Whitney







Oxfordshire is a busy place with significant risks and opportunities for nature recovery.


It is useful for OLNP Board members to have an up to date understanding of the major projects in the county.


OLNP Manager has drafted a project tracker for the Board’s consideration.




Actions for the Board:




-       Decide whether to request LNP manager to provide a project tracker for every board meeting.

-       Suggest possible improvements to the document.




Oxfordshire is a busy place with significant risks and opportunities for nature recovery. Many are working at scale and pace to bring forward nature recovery projects. At the same time, there are some large infrastructure projects which have the potential to either significantly contribute to biodiversity or reduce it, depending on design choices.


It is useful for OLNP Board members to have an up to date understanding of the major projects in the county. Some work in the sector and as such may already be cogniscant of these. However, as the OLNP Board is a broad, cross sectoral group, there may be some who have less clear sight of the major opportunities and threats.


In order to ensure a shared level of understanding of the major projects in the county, OLNP Manager has drafted a project tracker, which gives an overview of the projects that might be considered to have the biggest impact on nature. The Board is asked to review this draft and suggest ways it could be amended to become more useful. The Board is also asked to decide whether to request the OLNP Manager to provide an updated version of this tracker with every Board pack.